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Sponsor a Student

Partner with us and sponsor a student!

Every year Rotary clubs and businesses partner with IYM to
sponsor a student to attend IYM's six-day Residential Programme.

This programme exposes young women to many career and study opportunities in STEMM in the most engaging and hands-on way possible. Participants visit a wide variety of science and technology businesses, Crown Research Institutes and tertiary education providers in the Greater Wellington Region where they experience hands-on science and technology activities and hear from women who have built careers in the sector.


Sponsorship enables us to keep costs to participants to a minimum, ensuring that our programme is accessible to any young women who would like to attend.

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Sponsoring a student is $1,000 per student and sponsors gain the following benefits:

  • A personalised thank you note from your student

  • Your business name listed on the IYM website, Social Media channels, programme material, and IYM's

  • e-newsletter.

  • An invitation to attend our parliamentary reception where you can meet your sponsored student and mix with key industry leaders in the STEMM sector.

  • A full programme report emailed to you at the conclusion of the programme

  • The opportunity to do your own promotion of your sponsorship

We'd love to hear from you if you'd like to
partner with us and sponsor a student - 

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