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Frequently asked questions

Can I apply for both IYM Online and IYM Residential?

Yes you definitely can, provided you live within the zone for the Residential Programme which is Greater Wellington, Horowhenua and Manawatū.

Can I apply for IYM Online at Year 11 and again in Year 12?

Yes, although priority will be given to applicants who haven’t participated in one of our programmes before.

Is there a cost for The programmes?

Participants are asked to make a small contribution towards programmes costs - these are currently $30 for IYM Online and $170 for IYM Residential. However, we do have some sponsorship available to cover this cost for anyone who is facing financial hardship.

What happens after attending your programme?

We'd love to stay in touch! We can offer one-on-one guidance and support for your future in STEMM.

When do I find out about my application?

For IYM Online, you will know if you have a place by 1 April. 


For IYM Residential, you will be notified from 1 May.

What if I need to withdraw my application?

If you need to withdraw your application, or from either of the programmes, please our programme manager: Terms and conditions of withdrawal during the programme are sent out upon acceptance to either programme.

What does it mean to be put on a waitlist?

Both of our programmes have a limit on the number of participants. For IYM Online, we can take up to 100 participants. For IYM Residential, we can take 40 participants. If we are over subscribed you may be placed onto the waitlist in case another participant is unable to attend.

Do I need to provide a teacher reference?

For IYM Residential, we ask for the name and contact email of one of your teachers. This can be your form teacher, dean, classroom teacher, or another member of your school community. This person will be sent a reference form to complete. This helps the team to decide who will benefit the most from the programme. 

How do I apply for the hardship fund?

If the cost of either of the programmes may cause financial hardship to you or your family, we are able to help. Contact our programme manager: This information is confidential.

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